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- Category: Announcements
Dear NOLA-PS community,
I wanted to update you on the progress we have been making on school bus safety. As of today, schools have confirmed to us that 86% of the bus fleet serving NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) students have passed inspection and are now in compliance. Prior to our winter break that number was closer to 60%. This is critical progress, but we can’t be satisfied until 100% of the fleet is meeting standards. Operators have been informed they have until February 13th to have all their buses pass inspection.
As I mentioned last week, we are establishing a working group to address our transportation challenges for the long term. Our goal as a district is to ensure that our students are transported to and from our schools safely and we will continue to provide the necessary oversight to ensure that happens. We plan to have additional updates for you later this month.
Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr.
NOLA-PS Superintendent of Schools
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- Category: Announcements
Do you want to know more about how Charter Schools are created? NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) knows that you share our vested interest in high-quality public schools. At NOLA-PS we are sincerely committed to transparency, high-quality schools, and actively engaging our community in order to make the best decisions for our children. Our top priority is to ensure the public is well-informed about the charter application process and requirements.
The NOLA-PS team is looking forward to hosting two informational sessions on Wednesday, December 11, 2019:
The presentation will also be published on the District website. The sessions are open to the public, so if you are interested in opening a charter school in the future or just want to learn more about the process, please join us as we enhance your knowledge about the charter application process and requirements. Please follow this link for additional information.
If you have questions, you can contact NOLA-PS by emailing Kristine Barker, Director of Portfolio Innovation at: kbarker@nolapublicschools.com or call: 504-359-9580.
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- Category: Announcements
On Tuesday, November 19, 2019, the Orleans Parish School Board will consider the impact of increased property assessments in the city and decide whether to roll millages forward to meet financial needs. There will be a public hearing at 3:00pm and a special board meeting that same day at 5:30pm. The Millage FAQ flyer explains how public schools in Orleans parish are funded and how a millage roll forward will further impact of schools.
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- Category: Announcements
Here are some helpful tips from NOLA Public Schools' Office of Student Support & Attendance on how you can take part in making sure our students are in school everyday as part of the 2019-2020 academic year's "Strive for Less than 5" absences and tardies attendance awareness campaign.
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