Dr. Fateama Fulmore
Deputy Superintendent
Dr. Fateama S. Fulmore is the deputy superintendent of NOLA Public Schools. She’s an accomplished and visionary PK-12 school district leader with more than two decades of experience serving across urban, suburban, and rural school districts – in the Northeast, Southeast, and Midwest regions of the United States. Dr. Fulmore is known for her ability to transform school systems and improve student outcomes by fostering collaboration towards the fulfillment of a shared vision for educational excellence, for every child. Dr. Fulmore is a strategic and student-centered leader guided by her core values of children first, leadership by example, excellence, collective impact, and educational opportunities for all. A captivating speaker who inspires and motivates. Dr. Fulmore leverages her story, expertise, and passion to positively impact children, families, educators, leaders, and the community. Dr. Fulmore has a proven track record of success as an educator and is an unwavering champion for children. Her career in education began as a middle school career and technical education (CTE) teacher for business and technology in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. She’s also served as a high school CTE teacher, middle and high school assistant principal, and high school principal in North Carolina. Dr. Fulmore previously led as an executive director of high schools and assistant superintendent fellow in the School District of Philadelphia, the nation’s eighth largest school district serving over 197,000 students in district operated and charter schools. As the executive director of high schools, Dr. Fulmore directed and oversaw programming for college, career, and life readiness for over 38,000 students across 54 high schools. As an Assistant Superintendent Fellow, she provided crucial support in the supervision of schools and principals across three learning networks, serving more than 20,000 PK-12 students across 34 schools. Most recently, she served as a principal supervisor for elementary and secondary schools with oversight of 32 schools, and chief of strategy for schools, accountability, and school improvement for Omaha Public Schools, Nebraska’s largest school district serving more than 52,000 students across 95 schools and programs. A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., Dr. Fulmore grew up in poverty, had a childhood filled with trauma, and was engulfed in communities of crime, violence, and despair. School was her refuge, the place where she had caring adults who kept her safe, where she discovered her joy of learning, and where her fascination with being a teacher and principal was nurtured at an early age. Dr. Fulmore is a proud product of Head Start programs, New York City Public Schools and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in Charlotte, N.C., where she graduated high school. She attributes great leaders, dedicated teachers, and the power of an education to saving and changing the trajectory of her life. Dr. Fulmore is the children she serves, and has committed her career to being the educator and leader they deserve. As a first-generation college student, Dr. Fulmore earned her undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Appalachian State University, a master’s degree in School Administration from Gardner-Webb University, an educational specialist degree in educational leadership from Grand Canyon University, and a Doctorate of Education degree in Leadership of PK-12 Schools and School Districts from Gwynedd Mercy University. Dr. Fulmore is licensed as a superintendent by the Louisiana Department of Education and the Nebraska Department of Education, with prior licenses as a school administrator and teacher by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Dr. Fulmore has executive learning as one of 40 participants selected for Cohort 3 of the Forum for Educational Leadership. She was recently recognized for the 2023 Excellence in Authorizing Fellowship with the Louisiana Department of Education, was previously part of Emerging Superintendents with the Nebraska Council of School Administrators, and successfully completed the Harvard University Institute for Turnaround Leaders. Dr. Fulmore is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She is a mentor to school and district leaders and believes her superpower in leadership is bringing out the best in others. As an avid reader, learning is her absolute favorite thing to do; but she also enjoys writing, music, traveling, the arts, sports, and living life to the fullest with friends and family.