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Olin G Parker

District 3

Olin G. Parker represents District 3, which includes parts of Gentilly, Lakeview, the Lake Area, Mid-City, and Bayou St. John. Prior to joining the Orleans Parish School Board in 2020, Mr. Parker served in various roles at the Louisiana Department of Education. In addition to his leadership at the state level, Olin has helped to design and implement data systems for schools and districts, assisted educators in rapid response to natural and manmade disasters, and served as a mentor to new teachers. He is also a former high school math teacher at both charter and traditional district schools in Louisiana.


Olin has been involved with numerous community organizations as a board member and volunteer. Currently, he serves on the board of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, as a Commissioner for the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission, and as the Orleans Parish School Board's representative for the Council of Great City Schools. Previously, he served as the chairperson of the Mid-City Neighborhood Organization, as the Senior Warden at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, as a board member of St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, and as a youth sports coach of the 18th Ward Sports Club.


Olin is the husband of a lifelong educator and current school administrator, and the proud parent of three children, all of whom have attended New Orleans Public Schools since pre-kindergarten.

Olin G Parker District 3 Schools

School Board District School Board Member School Name Address
District 3 Olin G. Parker Arthur Ashe Charter School 1456 Gardena Dr, 70122
District 3 Olin G. Parker Benjamin Franklin High School 2001 Leon C. Simon Dr, 70122
District 3 Olin G. Parker Edward Hynes Charter School - Lakeview 990 Harrison Ave, 70124
District 3 Olin G. Parker Edward Hynes Charter School -  UNO 1901 Leon C. Simon Dr, 70122
District 3 Olin G. Parker EQA HiSET  139 South Broad, St 70119
District 3 Olin G. Parker Esperanza Charter School 4407 S Carrolton Ave, 70119
District 3 Olin G. Parker John F. Kennedy High School  6026 Paris Ave, 70122
District 3 Olin G. Parker Langston Hughes Charter Academy 3519 Trafalgar St, 70119
District 3 Olin G. Parker McDonogh 35 Senior High School 4000 Cadillac St, 70122
District 3 Olin G. Parker Morris Jeff Community School 211 S Lopez St, 70119
District 3 Olin G. Parker New Harmony High Institute (BESE)  3368 Esplanade Ave, 70119
District 3 Olin G. Parker Success @ Thurgood Marshall 4621 Canal St, 70119
District 3 Olin G. Parker Travis Hill School (OPSB LEA) 1100 Milton St, 70122
District 3 Olin G. Parker Warren Easton Charter High School 3019 Canal St, 70119


Report Fraud

Department of Children and Family Services

Call 1-855-4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437) to report child abuse and neglect.

Report Abuse

Hotline Number for Parents

School-based issues or concerns from parents

24-hour Hotline Number for Community

School and District based concerns, feedback, & inquiries from school staff or community members

External Resources

NOLA Public Schools. Every Child. Every School. Every Day.

2401 Westbend Parkway
New Orleans, Louisiana 70114

Phone: 504-304-5612

Phone: 504-304-3520

Hotline Number for Parents

School-based issues or concerns from parents

24-hour Hotline Number for Community
District based community concerns, feedback, & inquiries from school staff or community members