(New Orleans – November 14, 2024) — NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) wants to address the threats made against several of our schools over the past 24 hours. As always, the safety of our students and education community is our top priority.

We are working closely with the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) and state law enforcement to investigate these incidents. In addition, NOLA-PS and its school leaders met today and will continue to collaborate and work collectively to mitigate any potential danger to students and staff.

Some schools opted to close, while others have heightened security measures, including increased police presence. Schools like Homer Plessy Community School went into lockdown, and Sophie B. Wright Charter School canceled classes in response to social media threats. We encourage families to check with their respective schools to see if any operational changes have been announced.

It's important to note no incidents have occurred and all our students are safe. NOLA-PS has a zero-tolerance policy for such threats. The district will continue to work with its schools and law enforcement to ensure those who threaten the health and safety of scholars, teachers, and staff are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

NOLA-PS takes these threats seriously, and those responsible will be held accountable. We urge families and staff to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity through Safe Schools Louisiana (safeschoolsla.com) or directly to law enforcement.

Rest assured, we are doing everything to ensure our schools remain safe. Thank you for your continued cooperation during this time.


About NOLA Public Schools: NOLA Public Schools is the public school district for Orleans Parish. It includes the district's administration and elected school board, known as the Orleans Parish School Board. NOLA Public Schools currently oversees 67 public schools and is led by Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams, the first woman in the District's 181 years to serve as its permanent superintendent.

For more information, visit www.nolapublicschools.com. For updates, follow NOLA Public Schools on Facebook @NOLAPublicSchools, Instagram @nolaps and Twitter @NOLAPSchools.