Cf:  DC, DCB





The Orleans Parish School Board authorizes the Superintendent to establish a district-level funding computation for calculating the total amount of minimum foundation program formula funds to be allocated to the School Board and to Type 1, 3, 3B, and 5 charter schools located in Orleans Parish.  The district-level funding computation shall be based upon student characteristics or needs, as determined by the School Board.  The Superintendent shall have the authority to revise the funding computation in subsequent years as appropriate, subject to the following limitations:


  1. The funding computation in use for the 2016-17 fiscal year shall remain constant through the conclusion of the 2018-19 fiscal year.  Thereafter, the funding computation may not be adjusted more frequently than once every two (2) years, unless otherwise authorized by the School Board pursuant to a waiver of the provisions of this policy.

  2. The Superintendent shall engage the School Board, school operators, and the public, which shall include:


    1. Public notice by not later than the November School Board meeting of the intent to modify the funding computation for the following fiscal year.  Such notice shall be announced at a school board meeting, posted to the School Board website and e-mailed to all school operators in Orleans Parish;

    2. One or more convenings of school operators to review the implementation and impact of the current funding computation, and engage in the development of any proposed modifications to the funding computation;

    3. A public meeting to present the proposed changes to the funding computation and solicit public feedback prior to finalizing the computation;

    4. Presentation of the final revised funding computation to the School Board and school operators at a School Board meeting by not later than January 31st.


  1. Distribution of funds pursuant to the revised funding computation shall commence on July 1st, or with the start of the next fiscal year following such revision.


Revised:  April 20, 2017



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:10.7.1, 17:3995

Board minutes, 4-20-17


Orleans Parish School Board